Ayurveda Kerala Therapies & Treatment

Ayurvedic treatments have been practiced for thousands of years in the Indian sub-continent, making them one of the oldest and most effective natural healing methods. Ayurveda therapies are widely recognized for their natural approach to healing and improving the overall well-being of individuals. Ayurveda is a holistic approach that guides individuals in improving their lifestyles and gaining insight into the various bodily changes.

What does Ayurvedic Treatment/Therapy mean?

Ayurvedic therapy or treatment involves a blend of herbal remedies and adjustments to your lifestyle. This approach aims to restore harmony to the three main energies of your body: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Every person has these principle energies or doshas, which can differ in strength and intensity. The individual’s overall constitution, also known as Prakriti, is determined by the one dosha that is most predominant among the rest.

In Ayurveda, diseases occur when the doshas become imbalanced due to external or internal factors related to diet and physical activity. Ayurvedic treatments aim to balance the three doshas for optimal well-being. The treatment duration and method may differ based on the individual’s inherent constitution, known as Prakriti.

In contrast to modern medicine, Ayurvedic treatments utilize the natural power of the body and its inherent qualities to promote self-healing. The treatments are conducted in a certified Ayurveda center, overseen by highly skilled practitioners and nurses. If you’re considering oral medications, it’s best to consult with your Ayurveda practitioner. This will help you avoid any potential side effects and prevent any disappointment from poor results.

Lists of Ayurveda Therapy

We’ve covered a few well-liked Ayurvedic therapies that function holistically to balance energies and ensure excellent harmony between your body, mind, and soul so that you can begin the process of healing yourself.

Abhyanga (Full Body Massage)

Abhyanga is a self-applied traditional full body massage with medicinal oil. To relieve tension, enhance circulation, and reduce inflammation, the oil is gently warmed before being applied to the entire body, from head to toe. Certain herbs are added to the oil, and the exact components utilized will depend on the intended medical condition.


Njavara Kizhi is a highly sought-after therapy known for its rejuvenating effects. This treatment utilizes a unique variety of rice known as Njavara. The preparation involves cooking Njavara rice in a mixture of milk and bala decoction (Sida cordifolia). The cooked rice is then shaped into a bolus bag and soaked in a warm mixture of milk and bala decoction. This bag is then applied to the body for its therapeutic benefits. As part of the massage, the herbal rice is gently applied to the entire body. This massage is designed to nourish and rejuvenate your body’s tissues, promoting healing and repairing any damage. Njavara Kizhi is effective in treating problems affecting nerves, muscles, bones, and other soft tissues. Navarra Rice is extensively utilized in rejuvenation therapy due to its nutritional properties.


Greeva Basti

Greeva Basti is a treatment procedure that focuses on the cervical area, similar to Kadivasti. This treatment is effective for conditions such as neck pain, stiffness, and discomfort that are commonly associated with cervical spondylosis.



This technique involves the use of powdered herbal roots to perform a different type of bolus bag massage. Common ingredients used to make the powder for Podikizhi include dry ginger, castor root (Ricinus Communis), musta (Cyperus Rotundus), cedar wood (Cedrus Deodara), mustard seeds, calamus (Accorus Calamus), dill seeds (Anethum Sowa), and rasna (Alpenia Galanga). The bolus is made from this powder and can be used to massage the body after heating it with the appropriate oil. This procedure is beneficial for treating a variety of conditions, including Arthritis, Degenerative conditions, neuromuscular conditions, Muscle weakness, and more.


Pizhichil is another rejuvenation therapy used to treat Vata-aggravated diseases. Warm herbal oils are poured over the body in a rhythmic pattern, followed by a gentle massage. This treatment is frequently utilized as part of rejuvenation therapies due to its high potential for renewal and revitalization of bodily tissues. Pizhichil is also used to treat Vata illnesses, arthritis, joint difficulties, neuromuscular conditions, muscle weakness, and so on.


This treatment is designed to provide a comprehensive approach to detoxification, spanning over the course of a week. By stimulating the body’s natural processes, it helps eliminate toxins effectively. The Panchakarma treatment has a long history, having been developed and recommended by ancient sages to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Benefits of Ayurveda Therapy

Ayurveda is known for its emphasis on natural and authentic ways of living, which has always been a source of inspiration for many. Ayurveda provides a range of methods to restore balance to the body and eliminate toxins.

  • Discover a proactive approach to living a healthy and balanced life.
  • Experience the magic of rejuvenated skin with a radiant, natural glow.
  • Experience total relaxation.
  • Revitalizes and purifies the body.
  • Enhances the body’s immune system.
  • Promotes relaxation and stress relief.
  • Offers a simple and effective method for achieving weight loss.
  • Offers a simple and effective Ayurvedic regimen to promote optimal body functioning.