Respiratory System

Respiration is one of the most vital functions of any living creature and it influences the health of every organ and cell in the body because oxygen is a necessity for them to perform life-giving functions. According to Ayurveda the accumulation of amas or toxins play a vital role in the development of respiratory disorders. The rise of the levels of toxins results in low immunity which can make the body intolerant of more and more substances and ultimately cause respiratory distress. Kapha dosha is also implicated in respiratory conditions and Vata imbalance can also induce respiratory conditions.

Management techniques for these disorders include adopting a suitable diet to improve digestive power which is also known as Agni as well as indulging in therapies like Vamana, virechana, vasty, and nasyam.

Upper respiratory tract infection affects the upper structures of the respiratory system. Kasaroga described in ayurvedic texts is the closest approximation of upper respiratory tract infection, it adopts a highly comprehensive approach towards the treatment of this condition taking into account the individual features of these infections to prescribe herbal remedies such as giloy, tulsi, and neem, and treatments to strengthen the upper respiratory structures as well as panchkarma and vamana to balance the three doshas. A vast range of ayurvedic internal medications are recommended in this condition to improve the immunity of the person.

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory lung disorder that causes spasms, triggers the secretion of excess mucous, and narrows the airways leading to troubles in breathing. The description of tamaka swasa in Ayurveda corresponds with that of asthma. It is believed to occur because of an imbalance of Vata and Kapha doshas. Virechana is considered to be the primary treatment, however, therapies such as abhyanga, medicated dhoomam and lepam among others are also recommended depending on the requirements of the patients.

An allergy is the immune system’s reaction to what it considers to be a foreign substance. This immune response can trigger hypersensitivity and end up causing disruptions. Ayurveda holds the view that an allergy is caused because of an imbalance between the three doshas which leaves the body vulnerable and unable to get rid of toxic substances, therefore the primary focus of treatment is restoring balance by following a diet that does not aggravate Vata, pitha or Kapha along with the use of detoxifying and rejuvenating therapies like panchakarma and internal medications to boost immunity and anti-allergic medications are also recommended.

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