Ayurvedic Treatment For Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder is a condition in which the joint has limited motion. The cause of this is the inflammatory thickening of the capsule. There is a significant amount of stiffness that primarily affects the shoulder area. It is commonly known as adhesive capsulitis. Frozen shoulder is a frequently encountered disorder. Typically, the pain is felt directly above the shoulder joints. The pain gradually spreads to the outer part of the arm and then moves towards the back of the arm. The intensity of the pain continues to escalate without respite.

The frozen shoulder disease in Ayurveda is referred to as “Ababahuka”. This text perfectly captures the essence of Vata Roga. People with the Vata Dosha have a tendency to absorb the fluids associated with ‘Kapha’.The absorption in the joints leads to Frozen Shoulder. The efficiency at the root of the shoulders is impaired by Vata dosha, which then causes the veins to contract and ultimately leads to Apabahukam. Loss of motion of the arms can be a result of Apabahukam. Ayurveda treatment is highly effective in curing this illness.

It is commonly found in patients with diabetes and those who suffer from chronic inflammatory arthritis. It can happen to individuals following any type of chest or breast surgery. Failure to address this issue can have serious consequences, including the development of frozen shoulder or even paralysis.

Ayurveda Treatment For Frozen Shoulder

Ayurvedic treatment for frozen shoulder focuses on restoring balance to the body’s doshas, specifically Vata, which is thought to be the cause of the ailment. Treatments may involve the use of natural remedies, gentle oil massages, and personalized dietary suggestions to alleviate inflammation and improve joint flexibility.

Ayurvedic treatments focus on tackling the underlying cause of frozen shoulder while offering natural and holistic methods to alleviate pain and stiffness. It is important to seek guidance from a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner in order to receive personalized and effective treatment that is specifically tailored to your individual needs. Here are some commonly used ayurveda treatments for frozen shoulder:

  • Snehana
    The process of Snehana includes the administration of medicated oils, ghee, and herbs to the body both internally and externally, typically lasting for a period of three to seven days. Snehana is essential as it helps to release ama, or toxins, and doshas in the body.
  • Swedana
    Swedana is a procedure that effectively addresses stiffness, heaviness, and cold in the body by inducing sweating. The use of various properties of swedana dravyas is primarily beneficial in treating vata kaphaja rogas (diseases).
  • Basti
    Basti is a treatment that helps to balance and support vata energy. A well-crafted enema made with oil and fat, known for their potent vata properties, can aid in reducing kapha and eliminating ama toxins.
  • Nasya
    The Nasya treatment is an Ayurvedic therapy that involves the administration of herbal oils, juices, or powders through the nasal route. This is particularly beneficial for ailments affecting areas above the neck, as the nasal passage serves as the entrance to the head.

Cause of Frozen Shoulder

When the capsule that connects the bones, ligaments, and tendons in the shoulder joint becomes thicker and tighter, it can lead to a condition known as frozen shoulder. This restricts the movement of the shoulder. There are certain factors that can increase your risk of developing frozen shoulder. These factors include:

  • Age and sex can play a role in the likelihood of developing frozen shoulder. Individuals who are 40 years and older, especially women, have a higher chance of experiencing this condition.
  • Individuals who have experienced prolonged immobility or reduced mobility of the shoulder are more susceptible to developing frozen shoulder. There are several factors that can lead to immobility, such as a rotator cuff injury, a broken arm, a stroke, or the recovery process after surgery.
  • Some individuals with specific diseases may have a higher likelihood of developing frozen shoulder. Some diseases that can potentially increase the risk include diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, cardiovascular disease, tuberculosis, and Parkinson’s disease.

Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder

Pain and stiffness that makes it harder to move and gets worse over time. Typically, the pain intensifies during the night and may even disrupt a person’s sleep. It can be particularly challenging to lie on one side when the arm is affected. The patient may experience challenges in performing their usual daily activities. Typically, frozen shoulder affects one side of the body and, if left untreated, may also extend to the other side. Typically, the pain subsides over time, but the stiffness can intensify the discomfort.It becomes challenging for the individual to raise their arm due to this condition.

Ayurvedic treatment for frozen shoulder include soothing the irritated vata and restoring its regular activities. At Divyamrut Ayurcare, we take an organized approach to treating frozen shoulder. We carefully design personalized treatment plans for each individual, suited to their unique symptoms.