Ayurvedic Vertigo Treatment: Ear Balancing

Vertigo is a widespread condition that can have a significant impact on individuals’ daily lives. Experiencing a sudden spinning sensation, along with feelings of nausea and loss of balance, can really throw off your day-to-day routine. Many people are seeking relief from discomfort by turning to Ayurvedic remedies, which provide a holistic approach to addressing the underlying causes of vertigo.

What is Vertigo?

Vertigo, also referred to as bhrama in Ayurveda, presents itself as a feeling of spinning, whether it’s of oneself or the surrounding environment. This condition occurs when there is an imbalance in the inner ear’s balance mechanism, caused by a combination of vaata and pitta, along with the attributes of rajas. If you experience sudden onset vertigo, you may also feel nauseous and may vomit. However, if the vertigo comes on gradually, you might simply feel like your balance is off for a prolonged period of time.

There are several factors that can lead to vertigo, including viral illnesses, ear problems, cardiovascular issues, and cervical spondylosis. Meniere’s disease is a unique condition that brings along recurrent vertigo, ringing in the ears, and gradual hearing loss, which adds an extra level of complexity to this ailment. Vertigo can be caused by various factors, including emotional issues like anxiety and depression, as well as the use of certain allopathic drugs.

Types of Vertigo

Peripheral Vertigo:

  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV): BPPV is a very common type of vertigo that can be triggered by certain movements of the head. The reason behind this is the displacement of tiny calcium carbonate crystals in the inner ear.
  • Meniere’s Disease: Meniere’s disease is a condition that causes recurring episodes of vertigo, accompanied by tinnitus, hearing loss, and a sensation of fullness in the affected ear. There is a belief that this condition is connected to an imbalance of fluids in the inner ear.
  • Vestibular Neuritis/Labyrinthitis: These conditions cause inflammation in the inner ear, leading to sudden and intense vertigo. It is often accompanied by hearing loss and nausea.
  • Acoustic Neuroma: This type of tumor, although benign, can lead to symptoms like vertigo and hearing loss.

Central Vertigo:

  • Migraine-Associated Vertigo: Certain individuals who suffer from migraines may have episodes of vertigo or dizziness as a component of their migraine symptoms.
  • Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency: Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency refers to a condition characterised by diminished blood circulation to the posterior region of the brain, typically caused by vascular issues. This can result in symptoms such as vertigo and other neurological manifestations.
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a condition in which individuals may also encounter vertigo as a neurological symptom.
  • Brainstem or Cerebellar Disorders: Disorders or lesions in the brainstem or cerebellum can cause central vertigo, which is often accompanied by more severe neurological symptoms.

Causes of Vertigo

Vata Dosha Imbalance

  • Controls the body’s movement and connection.
  • Connected to vertigo when the balance is off.
  • Worsened by eating too many dry, light, and cold foods.
  • It is possible for the sense organs that keep you balanced to experience problems.

Pitta Dosha Imbalance

  • Vertigo may be associated with an imbalance in the Pitta dosha.
  • Aggravated by the intake of spicy and hot foods.
  • When the Pitta is imbalanced, it can lead to vertigo symptoms due to its impact on metabolic functions.

Kapha Dosha Imbalance

  • Vertigo is a condition that can be linked to an imbalance in the Kapha dosha, according to Ayurveda.
  • An imbalance can often be caused by consuming heavy and cold foods.
  • When the Kapha dosha becomes imbalanced, it can disrupt the overall equilibrium of the body, which is responsible for maintaining stability.

Symptoms of Vertigo

This illness has a variety of symptoms that can be distressing and unsettling.

  • Spinning Sense: The defining feature of this condition is the sense that you or your surroundings are spinning or moving even while you are stationary.
  • Nausea and Vomiting: The spinning feeling frequently causes nausea and, in some circumstances, vomiting.
  • Unsteadiness and Loss of Balance: This disorder can cause unsteadiness, making it difficult for people to stay balanced and walk without assistance.
  • Dizziness: This ailment is characterized by a persistent feeling of dizziness, which can be highly distressing.
  • Sweating: Some people may suffer excessive sweating during an episode.
  • Tinnitus: This condition may be accompanied by a ringing or buzzing sound in the ears.
  • Hearing Loss: If this ailment is caused by inner ear disorders, transient hearing loss may occur during episodes.
  • Headache: This condition frequently causes headaches, which exacerbates the suffering.
  • Exhaustion: Experiencing episodes can be physically and mentally exhausting, causing exhaustion.
  • Anxiety: Fear of abrupt episodes might worsen anxiety and stress.

Ayurvedic Vertigo Treatment Options

Ayurveda, an ancient system of natural healing, views vertigo as an imbalance in the body’s three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. By emphasizing nutrition, lifestyle, and herbal medicines, it highlights an individual’s overall well-being.

Diet and Lifestyle Changes

Dietary and lifestyle changes are the first steps in an Ayurvedic treatment regimen since they are essential to achieving the dosha balance. To preserve balance and reduce dizziness, take into account the following food suggestions:

Fresh, seasonal fruits, especially bananas, pomegranates Cold or iced foods and beverages can aggravate Vata dosha.
Whole grains such as rice, quinoa, and oats. Raw vegetables, as they can be hard to digest.
Lean proteins like chicken and fish. Spicy and hot foods that can increase Pitta dosha.
Dairy products, especially ghee Excessive caffeine and alcohol.
Nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts, and flaxseeds. Processed and fried foods.
Herbal teas, including ginger tea and chamomile tea. Sugary snacks and carbonated drinks.

Lifestyle Changes

To effectively manage vertigo, lifestyle improvements are necessary in addition to nutritional adjustments:

  1. Establish a Routine: Go to bed and wake up early.
  2. Stress Management: Engage in Stress reduction activities.
  3. Adequate Rest: Get enough sleep at least 8 to 9 hours. Improve sleep quality.
  4. Hydration: Stay hydrated, proper hydration is very important for overall health.
  5. Regular Exercise: Engage yourself in daily exercise like walking and yoga.
  6. Avoid Triggering Foods: Watch what you eat, and steer clear of anything that increases your symptoms.

Natural Remedies & Ayurvedic Treatment For Vertigo

Kaunch Beej:

With abundant levels of levodopa amino acid, kaunch beej is an excellent neuroprotective herb that balances the three doshas of Pitta, Kapha, and Vata while simultaneously stimulating brain activity. Vertigo and intense headaches can be relieved by consuming a solution made of one small glass of warm milk and one teaspoon of kaunch beej powder. 


Packed with alkaloids that enhance cognitive function, shankhpushpi can reduce unstable spinning behaviors and maintain inner ear equilibrium. Vertigo can be suppressed at night by taking a pacifying decoction of 2 grams of dissolved shankhpushpi powder in a cup of warm water after supper.


The common Indian gooseberry, often referred to as amla or Amalaki, is a rich source of vitamin C, an antioxidant that protects the brain from harmful free radicals and improves nervous system function. Twice a day, a tiny amount of amla juice combined with two tsp honey relieves painful vertigo symptoms including migraine and nausea, and helps to balance the inner ears.


Myristicin, a wonderful bioactive component found in jatiphala or jaiphal, sometimes known as nutmeg, supports brain processes. Making a concoction of one tablespoon of powdered nutmeg, one teaspoon of powdered cumin, and honey, and taking it with meals twice a day considerably reduces unsteady vertigo movements and increases productivity.


Antioxidants included in guduchi help to improve memory, thinking, and attention. They also improve neurotransmitter activity, which improves mood and balances an imbalanced Vata and Pitta dosha. Consuming two to three tablespoons of guduchi kashayam, prepared with neem and coriander extracts, thirty minutes before meals each morning reduces vertigo and eliminates tingling sensations in the ears.

Panchakarma Therapy:

An Ayurvedic detoxification procedure called panchakarma might aid in balancing the doshas and eliminating accumulated poisons. It includes a range of therapies, including purgation, herbal steams, and oil massages. A patient’s panchakarma therapy is customized based on their dosha imbalance.


Q1) Is Ayurvedic treatment safe for vertigo?
Ans) Yes, In general, ayurvedic treatments are safe when given by trained professionals.

Q2) How long does it take to see results with Ayurvedic vertigo treatment?
Ans) Depending on the person and the severity of the problem, the time it takes to see the effects may change. While some people see improvement in a matter of weeks, others could require more time.

Q3) Can Ayurveda cure vertigo completely?
Ans) The objective of Ayurveda is to control and lessen the intensity and frequency.

Q4) Is Ayurveda suitable for all types of vertigo?
Ans) Ayurveda can be helpful for many different kinds, but to identify the underlying reasons and adjust the therapy, it’s important to have a good diagnosis.