Ayurvedic Treatment For Weight Loss, Obesity

Herbal remedies for improving digestion and reducing excess fat are frequently used, including Vidanga, Guggul, and Triphala. An essential component of Ayurvedic Weight Loss management is adherence to a daily routine and stress management. The goals of treatment are to improve general well-being, address the underlying causes of excess weight, and restore doshic balance. To receive individualized advice on managing obesity, speaking with a certified Ayurvedic practitioner is imperative.

Obesity and overweight are characterized by abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that poses a health risk. An excessive amount of body fat is a component of the complex disease known as obesity.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Weight Loss, Obesity

What is obesity?

The most prevalent nutritional condition in the modern era is obesity. It is typified by an excessive buildup of fat within the body. Overindulgence in fried, high-fat foods and a sedentary lifestyle cause excess fat to accumulate and block different body channels. In turn, obesity leads to a host of metabolic disorders, including diabetes, high blood pressure, irregular digestion, and more. Social life may also be impacted. If left unchecked, being overweight can develop into obesity.

Are you obese?

A person considered to be obese if their body mass index (BMI) is higher than thirty. To find the BMI, simply multiply the person’s height (in meters squared) by their body weight (in kilograms). A BMI of 25 to 29.9 suggests that the individual is overweight, and at this point, it is best to take the appropriate steps to lose weight and maintain good health. Obesity indicated by a BMI of 30 or higher.

Ayurvedic Plants / Herbs to Control Obesity:

Garcinia cambogia, Brahmi, and Triphala are just a few of the numerous medicinal plants that aid in weight loss. Fresh curry leaves, turmeric, mint, and readily available spices like ginger, cinnamon, and black pepper have all been shown to have numerous health benefits. Guggul is a well-known natural substance that, when adequately purified and processed, can treat disorders related to fat metabolism. Guggul is a gum resin derived from the Commiphora mukul tree. Studies have demonstrated that it degrades fat cells. Vijaysar, also referred to as kino tree, and kalesi, commonly known as black cumin, are two other well-known herbs used in Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss.
Guggul is a well-known natural substance that, when adequately purified and processed, can treat disorders related to fat metabolism. It is a gum resin derived from the Commiphora mukul tree. Studies have demonstrated that it degrades fat cells. Ayurvedic treatment for obesity also include using well-known herbs like kalonji, black cumin, or the kino tree.

Ayurvedic Herbs for Weight Loss:

Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatment For Weight Loss, Obesity

1. Lower Your Calorie Consumption:  Although cutting out all fats and carbohydrates from your diet isn’t a good idea, you may want to reduce your overall calorie intake to help manage obesity. One might think about maintaining a calorie count in relation to their diet for better management.

2. Avoid high-carbohydrate vegetables: Vegetables high in carbohydrates, like potatoes, corn, etc., can greatly contribute to your obesity. It’s imperative to avoid eating these vegetables or to consume them in moderation for this reason. When managing obesity, it’s also advisable to stay away from rice.

3. Fasting: Fasting has other uses in addition to its religious connotations, despite this association. While the body will still burn some calories in one way or another, cutting back on food consumption helps minimize the amount of calories consumed during fasting. But be careful not to go for extended periods of time without eating. It could result in malnutrition and dehydration.

4. Practice Yoga and Pranayama: Among the best Ayurvedic techniques for reducing and maintaining weight are yoga and pranayama. Numerous yoga poses are beneficial for managing weight and obesity. In addition, pranayamas have shown to improve general endurance and may facilitate a complete clearing of the respiratory system

5. Maintain a healthy routine: An additional factor contributing to obesity is an irregular sleep schedule. First of all, these behaviors might motivate people to eat more calories all day long. Second, an unbalanced schedule can throw off the digestive system’s balance and cause indigestion, constipation, and other annoyances.