Ayurvedic Treatment For Constipation

Ayurvedic Treatment for Constipation

The treatment of constipation with ayurveda involves adjustments to diet and lifestyle, dosha balance, and other factors. In order to alleviate constipation, a diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes balances the vata dosha.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Constipation: Nowadays, constipation is a common health issue caused by poor eating habits and lifestyle choices. Our current way of living, including alcohol abuse, lack of fiber in the diet, inadequate water intake, and consumption of junk food, contributes to this problem. Constipation can lead to bloating and discomfort, making it a serious issue for many people. Even a single day without a bowel movement can be uncomfortable and painful. Some major diseases are believed to be linked to constipation. According to Ayurveda, a healthy stomach is essential for overall immunity and disease prevention. Therefore, it is important to prioritize the health of your stomach.

Signs and Symptoms of Constipation

Constipation is a problem with passing stool. 

  1. Maximum of three bodily waste every week.
  2. back discomfort in the lower back
  3. Having trouble passing hard, dry stools
  4. Exerting effort to pass stools
  5. Feeling that your bowel movements are not completely clear
  6. Feeling like a blockage in the Rectum
  7. To apply pressure on the stomach and abdomen 
  8. You get vomiting and discomfort.

If you have two to three symptoms from the above list then you are suffering from Constipation

Causes of constipation

Many situations can result in constipation. While occasional constipation is common, you might want to consider adjusting your lifestyle if the issue persists. It could help you to understand the reasons for constipation. Let’s now investigate the possible reasons of constipation.

  1. Take More water Not  Enough
  2. Eating low-fiber food
  3. Fiber in the diet reductions
  4. Lack of exercise 
  5. Issues related to intestinal function
  6. overuse of laxatives
  7. digestive disorders such as Crohn’s disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

There are many more Causes of Constipation

Constipation Risk Factors:-

  1. Dehydration
  2. Haemorrhoids (piles)
  3. Pregnancy
  4. Low physical activity
  5. Certain medications like sedatives, medicines that lower Blood pressure, iron supplements
  6. Consuming a diet low in fiber
  7. Eating disorders

Complications of Constipation:-

  1. Piles or hemorrhoids – The veins around the anus may bulge if you strain too much. It may take place outside or indoors. Itching and discomfort during bowel movement are caused by an external pile mass. Bright crimson-streaked feces are the result of an internal pile mass.
  2. Anal fissure – Hard, lumpy poops can cause infections in the anal skin. It is very painful. You can see blood in your poop.
  3. Rectal bleeding – After a bowel movement, bright, scarlet excrement is the result of rectal bleeding.
  4. Chronic constipation – Chronic constipation in elderly persons might result in intestinal perforation or blockage. It may endanger your life.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Constipation: Effective Preventive Measures:-

  1. Consume a generous amount of high-fiber foods, such as vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole-grain foods.
  2. You can add Curd to your food as it contains probiotics.
  3. Avoid Processed food.
  4. Maintain an active lifestyle and engage in regular exercise.
  5. Reduce intake of low-fiber foods like processed foods, dairy, and meats.
  6. Coffee is a good stimulant of the gut.

Ayurvedic Approach to Constipation: Treatment Constipation with Ayurveda

When Apana Vata, the subtype of Vata responsible for downward movements, is out of balance, it can lead to irregular bowel movements. This imbalance is often caused by a diet that is light, dry, and airy, which can aggravate Vata. Constipation may also be triggered by consuming astringent or pungent foods, traveling, lack of sleep, and suppressing natural urges like bowel movements.

Ayurveda places great importance on using herbs or both internal and external methods to restore balance to the vata imbalance and treat constipation. Internal methods include consuming herbal ghees or oils, while external methods involve body massages for oleation. Furthermore, various yoga poses can also help with bowel movement and provide relief from constipation.

When other Doshas are involved, various symptoms can manifest. An imbalance of Apana Vata and pitta may lead to the body overheating, resulting in dryness in the colon. This can cause sticky and malodorous stools.

Pana Vata, the subtype of Vata that governs downward motions, is said to be unbalanced in cases of irregular bowel movements. Vata imbalance is caused by a diet that is light, dry, and airy, which aggravates Vata. Constipation is also claimed to be brought on by astringent, pungent meals, traveling, not resting at night, and inhibiting urges or natural processes like bowel movements.

Ayurveda emphasizes employing herbs or internal and external relations to balance the vata imbalance to cure constipation. Consuming herbal ghees or oils is considered internal operation; body massages are considered external oleation. Additionally, several yoga poses aid in bowel movement and constipation relief.

Different symptoms may arise from the involvement of other Doshas. The body may overheat due to an Apana Vata and pitta imbalance, which can cause the colon to become dry. The stools will be sticky and foul-smelling.

Bulky and infrequent excrement is the consequence of a slow gastrointestinal tract caused by an imbalance between the doshas Kapha and Apana.

Diet Recommendation as per Dosha



  1. Protein sources include small amounts of poultry, seafood, and tofu. Dairy options consist of milk, butter, yogurt, cheese, and ghee.
  2.  Vegetables such as beets, sweet potatoes, onions, radishes, turnips, carrots, and green beans are recommended.
  3. Grains like cooked oats and cooked rice are part of the diet. 


  1. Protein sources include poultry, egg whites.
  2. Vegetables should include sweet and bitter varieties such as cabbage, 
  3. Herbs and spices like black pepper, cumin, cinnamon, cilantro, dill, and turmeric should also be used sparingly.


  1. Protein sources include poultry, seafood, and egg whites in moderation. 
  2. Dairy options include skim milk, goat milk, and soy milk. 
  3. Vegetables like asparagus, leafy greens, onions, potatoes, mushrooms, radishes, and okra are encouraged.

Ayurveda Herbs for Constipation: Ayurvedic Treatment for Constipation

Ginger – You can use ginger with jaggery or you can drink ginger tea.

Ghee and milk – Ghee, commonly known as clarified butter, is extensively utilized in Indian cooking and is recognized for its potential advantages in alleviating constipation when consumed before going to bed, either by heating it with milk or warm water.

Swarna Patri – Swarna patri works as a laxative

Aragwadha – Aragwadha, is a well-known mild laxative herb.

Methi Herb – Methi is effective in treating constipation of the Kapha type. Avoid it if your Pitta is high.

Isabgol – Isabgol is a mild laxative property that relieves constipation.

Gandharva Hasta – Gandharva hasta or Castor is a well-known laxative.

Ajwain – Ajwain or carom seeds stimulate the formation of digestive fluids, which helps reduce constipation.

Ayurvedic Medicines for Constipation

Ayurvedic treatment for constipation If you are fed up with your chronic constipation and lifestyle changes are not providing relief, herbal remedies from Ayurvedic medicine may be a viable option. These natural treatments promote bowel movements and help restore balance to the digestive system by addressing the root cause of the problem. This can lead to more regular and healthy bowel movements.Ayurvedic treatment for constipationAyurvedic treatment for constipationAyurvedic treatment for constipation